Inventory drone and robot dog at the 8th experiment bazaar  digital development center

Inventory drone and robot dog at the 8th Experiment Bazaar

On 26 April 2024, the Mobilis Interactive Experience Centre hosted the eighth edition of the region's largest science education public event, the Experiment Bazaar.

The event was also attended by colleagues from the Digital Development Center (DDC) as exhibitors. At the Experiment Bazaar, interested primary and secondary school students were able to get a taste of what can be learned at Széchenyi István University and what tomorrow’s engineers will be doing. The teams of 3 students participating in the competition presented the experimental engineering projects they have been working on this academic year.

At the DDC booth, the self-developed inventory drone, capable of autonomous task execution, was on display in action. Participants also had the chance to meet the DDC events’ faithful stand guard, the robot dog.

Robot dog in the experimental bazaar
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