Joint partnership with a leading south korean testing laboratory  digital development center

Joint partnership with a leading South Korean testing laboratory

The Digital Development Centre, Széchenyi István University and Korea Testing Laboratory signed a cooperation agreement

Széchenyi István University and Digital Development Centre in Győr have reached an important milestone by signing an agreement with Korea Testing Laboratory.

Digital development centre széchenyi istván university and korea testing laboratory enter into partnership

“This partnership is extremely beneficial for our institution, our students and the economy of the region, strengthening knowledge sharing and building global innovation networks. The agreement opens up new perspectives for joint research and development projects and can contribute to technological development in Hungary and Korea. In the case of drones, it is very important to test the electronic systems, flight, flow and weather tests to ensure the safe operation of the device. The Korean party specifically asked us to develop and build the necessary infrastructure, as this cutting-edge technology is a priority research area at our university,” said Olivér Takács, Deputy Head of the Digital Development Centre.

Digital development centre széchenyi istván university and korea testing laboratory enter into partnership

This cooperation also offers new opportunities for joint research and development and innovation projects, and can make a significant contribution to both Hungarian and Korean technological development.

Digital development centre széchenyi istván university and korea testing laboratory enter into partnership


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