Digital Development Center, Széchenyi István University and Korea Testing Laboratory enter into partnership
Last week a special event took place at Széchenyi István University, as we hosted a delegation of four people from the Korea Testing Laboratory (KTL), who were welcomed by Olivér Takács, Dr. Krisztián Mikula and Dr. Dániel Mazsu from the Digital Development Centre.
The first venue for the talks was the ZalaZONE automotive test track, where the head of Rheinmetall’s Technical and Project Management department gave an informative presentation, followed by a presentation of the latest developments of the automotive test track led by the project manager of ZalaZONE Innotech Kft.
During the day, the MoU was signed in Győr by Eszter Lukács – Vice President for International Strategy on behalf of the University and Jun Kwang Song on behalf of KTL. Afterwards, the day was closed with a final meeting in the Innovation Park, where Olivér Takács presented the current projects of DDC.
This partnership has a lot of potential for both the Digital Development Centre and Széchenyi István University, as it opens up new perspectives in the field of joint research and development projects and can contribute greatly to the technological development of both Hungary and Korea.