DDC – ICT Region – SZE
The Competence Center of Széchenyi István University
The Digital Development Center (DDC) is one of the newest multidisciplinary departments of the Széchenyi István University of Győr. It operates as the ICT innovation centre of the region. Its activities are focused on knowledge and technology transfer, and on the implementation and support of digital transformation of social and economic life.
effectiveness – knowledge base – value creation
Our mission
We deliver digital solutions to make people’s everyday lives more comfortable and businesses more productive.
Building on the university’s telecoms and IT knowledge base and research infrastructure, we collaborate with companies from a wide range of industries and societal stakeholders to develop successful products for domestic and global markets, through mutual value creation.
We are making engineering education at Széchenyi István University more dynamic by providing students participating in our internship programme with real-world industrial project experience, with mentoring support, flexibly adapted to their studies.